City Council approves grants for work on the former Record Works building on Perry Street
WOODSTOCK - The former Record Works building on Perry Street is getting an upgrade.
It's the latest building approved for the City of Woodstock's Community Improvement Plan.
"The Record Works building it has a number of issues," said Development Commissioner for the city, Len Magyar. "The brick that is there has a number of issues, and basically they are redoing the whole façade and there will be a new office moving in there and they really need to update it because it is kind of a 1960's looking building and we are actually granting them some money to fix the building up."
The work will repair the existing brick facade and installation of signs at this location.
"The CIP program was a program adopted by council and basically it provides a number on incentives for properties in the downtown core for renovation, façade improvements opportunities for tax grant back as when people fix their properties up their taxes go up so we can grant a portion of that back."
"There was a reserve setup by city Woodstock council," says Magyar in regards to the funding. "It was a downtown reserve of which I believe council contributes 120 to 125 thousand a year to that so that adds up until we have applications such as this."
City Council approved grants for the project worth approximately $35,000.
New Councillors Shawn Shapton and Todd Poetter were in attendance at the meeting.
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