Ten patients will continue to receive the right level of support after being transferred to Caressant Care, while freeing up acute care beds for the COVID-19 related surge in local hospitals.
WOODSTOCK- In an effort to free up hospital beds during the COVID-19 pandemic, Caressant Care has opened up their doors to provide some relief.
The long term care home has collaborated with the South West Local Health Integration Network, CarePartners and Oxford Hospitals to accommodate ten patients.
Caressent Care Communications and Marketing Manager Stuart Oakley says the patients will be cared for by CarePartners.
"We have been able to create an enclosed unit within the building. This effort will help hospitals ensure that they have beds available for more acutely ill patients. This is a great example of system collaboration among partners, working together to ensure that patients receive the right care at the right place at the right time. Woodingford Lodge also helped this initiative by donating some beds.”
Patients no longer needing hospital care and are waiting for placement into either long term care, home or community care are given ALC beds (Alternative Level of Care). There are approximately 4,665 hospital patients designated as requiring an alternate level of care in Ontario right now.
Beth Byrnes, Director – South West, CarePartners says now more than ever we are seeing communities come together.
"The Caressant Care Transitional Unit is one shining example of this. We are pleased to be an integral part of improving local hospital capacity through this initiative, ensuring that beds are available in area hospitals for those who need them most,”
Byrnes adds that by wrapping high-quality, 24/7 care around these patients, they are helping to keep people safe.
"This benefits us all. I commend the leadership and collaboration demonstrated by our partners at the South West LHIN, Caressant Care Retirement Home and Oxford Hospitals to establish this important initiative at such a crucial time for our health system.”
The transfer of patients from Alexandra, Tillsonburg and Woodstock Hospitals awaiting Long Term Care beds to Caressant Care Retirement Home has been a collective effort of many community partners.
“The South West LHIN is excited to have partnered with CCRH, the Oxford Hospitals and Care Partners to help move 10 patients from the acute care setting on a temporary basis,” says Rebecca Sutcliffe, MSW, RSW Director Home and Community Care/ South West LHIN.
“The patients will continue to receive the right level of support, while freeing these acute care beds for the COVID-19 related surge. The South West LHIN would like to say a big thank you to everyone who worked together for so many hours to pull this care model together, including Woodingford Lodge LTC, who helped with equipment to get this project off the ground by graciously donating beds, and the city works department who donated their time to deliver the beds to the retirement home. The level of collaboration to pull this together was outstanding.”
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