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Ingersoll Acknowledges Remembrance Day

The annual tradition continued that saw the Ingersoll Pipe Band march to the Cenotaph

INGERSOLL - Hundreds descended to the Ingersoll Cenotaph to acknowledge Remembrance Day.

The ceremony started with a pipe band march leading from Faithway Baptist Church down to the Cenotaph this morning.  Member of the Ingersoll Pipe Band, Gail McKay, spoke with Heart FM before they left to explain what Remembrance Day means to him.  "Obviously celebrating the veterans, those who didn't come back, and of course those that did.  It needs to be continued because we look at the world and it really isn't getting any better, to think that we have enough people especially in a small town that comes out to support the veterans so it is really important."  

Branch President of the Ingersoll Legion, Rob Mabee, wants everyone to know all are welcome to join and you don't have to be a veteran. 

Many wiped away tears as the special ceremony was held and Ingersoll Town Councillor Brian Petrie comments on what he thought of the large crowd.  "It is important that we show them that we still remember.  It is great to see a lot of younger faces out here because they tend not to have the recognition and not to have the experience of having someone close to them go to war, so it is really important for them to remember and it is good to see that they're out. Everything that we have here today is because of the people who went and defended our country and our beliefs, so it is about everything, there is not one thing that we take for granted today that is not due to the gentleman and ladies that have served."  

Mabee who also MC'd the event knows the weather had something to do with the large turnout.  "This is fantastic today of course the weather helps a lot too, for the freedom that we have to do pretty much anything we want, we owe the veterans a great deal one way or the other.  The Legion, it is the publicity for one thing and it puts a spotlight on us."  Dozens of wreaths were displayed around the cenotaph that were viewed by a handful of veterans seated in the front row followed by a moment of silence, then the playing of the last post.  

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