People in Oxford County are rallying around members of the LGBTQ community to show them they are not alone in this dark time.
INGERSOLL/WOODSTOCK - Ingersoll is making history by flying the Pride Flag for the first time.
This shows Ingersoll's support of the LGBTQ community in wake of the atrocities in Orlando.
Tami Murray, Oxford County's Pride LGBTQ committee chairperson says Ingersoll council and the mayor are supportive of their cause.
Murray says this means Oxford County is really widening their lens and becoming more inclusive.
"I think overall times are changing. The community is recognizing that. It's time to embrace love and deny hate."
Murray has helped organize a vigil this Friday in support of the victims of the Orlando attack.
"I think we all need to stand in solidarity for the victims of Orlando and their families. We need to send a message that we will continue to advocate for our safety and wellbeing - for our families safety and wellbeing."
Murray says Rev. Bill Mayer from Trinity United Church in Ingersoll will be leading the group in a prayer.
"A lot of us in the community are struggling with a lot of hurt, pain, and anger. We need to look forward and see how we can resolve that."
The event is taking place Friday, at 7:00 p.m. at Museum Square in Woodstock.
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