Oxford OPP has arrested a driver thanks to a R.I.D.E. program in Ingersoll.
(INGERSOLL) - An impaired driver has been arrested after a Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) program in Ingersoll.
On Friday May 24, at approximately 10:30 p.m., members of the Oxford detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) conducted a RIDE program on Bell St. in the Town of Ingersoll.
One of the drivers provided suspicion that they had consumed alcohol. An Approved Screening Device (ASD) test was administered, and the test resulted in a Fail. The driver was then transported to the detachment for further testing.
As a result, a 30-year-old from London has been charged with the operation while impaired with a blood alcohol concentration over 80 as well as being a novice driver with a blood alcohol concentration over 80.
The accused has been released and is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice, located in Woodstock, on July 2.
The OPP is reminding motorists that no amount of alcohol or drugs is acceptable to consume and drive.
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