Hal Johnson from Body Break joined Dan Henry and Chris McMillan today to talk about his experience with racism in the TV industry and how he used that experience to launch Body Break with his wife Joanne McLeod.
WOODSTOCK - The host of Body Break Hal Johnson joined Heart FM for an exclusive interview today.
In the interview Hal talks about the following:
- His experience being fired from TSN after working there for 3 hours, because they didn't want to have two black reporters at once.
- Dealing with racism in the TV industry during his career
- How he took that experience to launch Body Break with his wife Joanne McLeod.
- Staying Active during the pandemic.
- The food people are eating, especially sugar which is lower immune systems and creating obesity.
- His time on the Amazing Race Canada, he's still a little bitter by the way after getting eliminated by a road block.
You can listen to the full interview below:
You can follow Body Break on their YouTube Channel by following this link.
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