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It Takes a Community to Care for Kids

The Children's Aid Society of Oxford County is asking everyone to wear a purple shirt today as part of a national campaign.

OXFORD COUNTY - The Children's Aid Society of Oxford County is asking everyone to wear a purple shirt today. 

It's part of a national campaign to raise awareness about the import role that adults and communities play in supporting our kids. Executive Assistant with CAS Oxford Denise Tew says you will see a lot of kids wearing purple to school today. 

"Especially those youth in our community who are facing challenges, this year we have partnered with 50 boards of education across the province to really get our message out that it takes a community to care for children. We are so lucky in Oxford County, our community partners, partner with us all the time to make our community better for the children and youth." 

Landmarks across the province will be lit in purple today as well including the CN Tower and Niagara Falls. 

To support the campaign, and in response to the recommendations the Jeffrey Baldwin and Katelynn Sampson Inquests, OACAS developed classroom resources that support educators to engage with their students in conversations about safety and well-being. The resources, which are based on the theme, "It takes a community to care for kids," educate students about their networks of support. Research shows that ensuring that children and youth are aware of helping adults and organizations in their support network offers them an important tool that lessens their vulnerability to harm. 

Associate Minister of Children and Women's Issues Jill Dunlop says everyone who is wearing purple today is showing their support for vulnerable children. 

"Dress Purple Day is about raising awareness and the role we all play in supporting vulnerable children, youth and families. We need to speak up for every child and youth’s right to be safe in all spaces." 

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