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Justin Bieber Exhibit In Stratford

Courtesy of www.justinbiebermusic.com

The Stratford Perth Museum has the perfect prescription for anyone with Bieber fever.

STRATFORD - The Stratford Perth Museum is going to unveil a Justin Bieber Exhibit. 

Fans from across the globe are expected to take in the Steps to Stardom exhibit which will open on Sunday February 18th at 10:00 a.m. It will feature Bieber's meteoric rise as a kid in Stratford to the top of the music charts. 

General Manager of the museum John Kastner says a lot of the items are coming from Justin's grandparents. 

“We're very excited about this exhibit and helping to share a fascinating story about a hometown hero who’s gone on to remarkable achievements. We're grateful to Justin and his family for supporting what we wanted to do and allowing us to share a piece of their lives with the world.”

Kastner admits the exhibit is a longtime coming. 

“The single biggest question we get from visitors at the museum is about whether we have anything on Justin so we know there will be a large appetite for this exhibit. We intend for the exhibit to evolve and change along with Justin’s career.”

The collection will include dozens of pieces from his music career, such as Grammy awards, Teen Choice Awards, a personal letter from former First Lady Michelle Obama and clothing he wore during major concert performances. It will also feature personal items from his childhood in Stratford, including a hockey jacket he wore when he played for the Stratford Warriors Peewee Travel Team as well as photos and videos.

Kastner expects Justin will stop by to check out the museum at some point in the future. 

They are going to limit tickets on the opening weekend because of the demand. You can buy them online. 

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