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Landfill Now In Environment Minister's Hands

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The Bill about municipalities being able to refuse a dump can no longer be a Private Members Bill.

OXFORD COUNTY - MPP Ernie Hardeman's private bill will have a bit of a detour.

With his new role as Minister of Agriculture, Hardeman says he can no longer put forward private bills.

"Private members bills of course are for private members, not for the ministers of the crown. Each sector has a responsibility and the minister of that sector introduces legislation to deal with that sector. As a government bill, I can't introduce an environment bill, the Minister of the environment has to do that."

Hardeman is working with the Minister of Environment to have him work on the issue.

The Oxford County MPP and the Minister met with members of stop the dump in Ingersoll where the Minister received the opinions positively.

He feels confident that they are on the right track.

"I think where we're at right now, it's the same as having a private members bill at second reading. The government has to be involved to get it to third reading and in this case the government has to be involved in doing whatever legislative approach they can come up with to deal with the situation."

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