Large Article pickup continues this week in Oxford County.
OXFORD - Large Article pickup continues this week in Oxford County.
This program gives residents the opportunity to get rid of their large, bulky items by placing them by the curb for collection. Waste Management Co-ordinator for the county of Oxford Pamela Antonio says there is no limit to the amount of items that can be set out for collection. "If they've got a living room set - you know, a couch, loveseat, two chairs, whatever - they could by right put that all out. The biggest thing to remember is that your items should weigh no more than 100 lbs at any one time. So if you've got a very large item, you may need to cut it in half."
Pickup dates and zones are:
April 20 - 24: Zorra, Ingersoll Zones 1 & 2
April 27 - May 1: Ingersoll Zone 3
May 4 - 8: East Zorra-Tavistock, Ingersoll Zone 4
May 11 - 14: Ingersoll Zone 5
May 19 - 22: Blandford Blenheim
June 1 - 5: South-West Oxford
June 22 - 26: Norwich
Items should be placed on the curb for pickup by 7AM on the Monday of your zone's pickup week. Anyone with items left outside for an extended period of time ahead of their pickup date may recieve a call from bylaw enforcement.
Antontio also reminds residents this is not the time to place out hazardous household waste, electronics, white goods, and scrap metal. Those items need to be taken to specific depots to better deal with the individual needs of each item. A special collection event will take place Saturday May 2nd at 944 James Street in Woodstock where these items will be collected. The County is also offering paper shredding on the Saturday event.
For more information, and a map of zoning visit http://www.oxfordcounty.ca/Services-for-You/Garbage-and-Recycling
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