Today is the last day you can enjoy a meal at Boston Pizza in Woodstock and support Crime Stoppers of Oxford County at the same time.
OXFORD COUNTY -Crime Stoppers Awareness Month is coming to end in Oxford County.
Jan Hauck, Director of Crime Stoppers of Oxford, says today is the last day you can enjoy a meal at Boston Pizza in Woodstock and support the local Crime Stoppers branch at the same time.
"All you have to do is head over to Boston Pizza here in Woodstock and say Crime Stoppers sent you, they will give you a good seat and a percentage of your sales will come back to us."
Hauck says the organization depends on donations from the public.
"We have to raise this money ourselves. We are not funded through police, we are not funded through the province, we are not funded in anyway, shape or form other than through fundraising."
She adds the money raised through this fundraiser could be used to pay any potential reward relating to information given by the public on current police cases in Oxford County.
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