Concerned with the process under which Woodstock Hydro was sold, Fraser files to run for city council
WOODSTOCK – Laurie Fraser has filed to run for a City of Woodstock councillor position, his first time running for office.
Fraser said the way council handled the sale of Woodstock Hydro was the "straw that broke the camel's back," in motivating him to put his name on the ballot for the October 27 municipal election.
"[The sale] wasn't as open as I would have liked to have seen it," Fraser said.
In addition, Fraser would "like to see the downtown revitalized. I think we can go about it in a different way than we have been doing," he said.
As a current member of Woodstock's recreation advisory committee, sport and recreation are top-of-mind for Fraser.
"The Woodall property is an interest of mine. I want to make sure if we develop it, it's certainly developed to proper standards," he said.
Looking to the future, Fraser sees financial trouble on the horizon for the municipality, "the well is going to go dry with the services we want to offer as opposed to the services we can afford to offer."
"I don't know that the municipalities can keep paying the arbitration demands for fire and police. I don't have an answer to that, so I am certainly not saying I that I know the answer to that, but it's definitely already a problem and I think it's only going to grow," Fraser said.
Fraser also sits on Woodstock's grants advisory committee and is a past member of the boards for Relay for Life and Ride and Stride for Cancer, "and various sports organizations over a long period of time."
Fraser is employed by a tax company that caters to farmers and small business people, "I'm working with the provincial government on the grants program for farmers, so I have a pretty good insight into some government workings for sure."
For a full list of candidates in the municipalities of Oxford County, visit the Election Tracker.
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