For the first time in history an officer from Woodstock has won the School Resource Officer award of Excellence from the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police.
WOODSTOCK - A police officer from Woodstock has won an award of Excellence from the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police.
Nikki VanLeeuwen was a unanimous choice to win the School Resource Officer award of Excellence this year. She says it was an honour to be recognized.
"It is really amazing when there is recognition outside of the corridors of the City of Woodstock and even Oxford County, that all of the Chiefs of Ontario, Deputy Chiefs and peers recognize some of the work that I have been doing. It was extremely humbling, really overwhelming and I felt a real sense of pride winning that award."
VanLeeuwen is well known in the community and has done a tremendous job working with the youth in Woodstock. She says it something that she loves to do.
"I really care about young people, I always have, I have been policing, going into my 18th year. I think that community service officers and youth officers just work with youth because they love it and they are passionate about it. It is really interesting because when you know young people, then you know what the need is in the community and you rally with other community partners to make sure our young people are successful, that they get the supports they need in the community."
VanLeeuwen was nominated by former Chief Bill Renton. This is the first time that an officer from Woodstock has the School Resource Officer Award of Excellence from the OACP. VanLeeuwen is currently back on the road after working as the media relations and school resource officer for a couple of years, however she is still well known in the community and interacts with youth on a daily basis.
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