"Woodstock City council taking a position of innocent until proven guilty in the media says that the victim in this case is lying. Women in this community are feeling betrayed."
WOODSTOCK - The London Abused Women Centre held a delegation at Woodstock City Council on Thursday.
They wanted council to know they are not doing enough on the issue of men's violence against women. Jennifer Dunn wanted to speak to Woodstock City council because of the charges against Mayor Trevor Birtch, which include assault, sexual assault, and sexual assault with choking.
"We are happy he has stepped aside during this time but more needs to be done. Woodstock City council taking a position of innocent until proven guilty in the media says that the victim in this case is lying. Women in this community are feeling betrayed."
The London Abused Women Centre is asking Woodstock council to consult with violence against women agencies in Woodstock and London to arrange ongoing training and education around the issues of men's violence against women in our community.
Dunn says women and girls in our community deserve better.
"They deserve to know that they are not alone and they deserve to be believed. The truth is, women and girls are at risk for violence for no other reason than the fact that they are women. We know for certain that with awareness and with the form of training and education, a plan to shift social culture that normalizes men's violence against women and girls, men's violence will be reduced and the protection of women and girls in our community will be approved."
Dunn wanted council to know the lasting effects violence against women can have.
"It is common that women and girls who have experienced violence will struggle with lifelong impacts. Impacts can include physical and mental health conditions, such as depression, post traumatic stress, sexually transmitted infections, absence from school or work or social isolation."
Councillor Deb Tait wanted to point out that councils response to the charges against Birtch is in compliance with their legal duty.
"I appreciate your comments on the stand that we took of innocent until proven guilty, that is the judicial system, we have no choice, we will be held libel if we say anything different. I do appreciate that this is very difficult and it is also very difficult for a victim to come forward. I'm sure you have the stats, it is even harder when it gets to trial for the victim to carry through. I don't want to say anything to get myself in trouble legally wise, I'm certain every one of us on council has great support for anyone who comes forward and the support that we would give them, having to give them as they go through this very difficult process."
Councillors Jerry Acchione and Mark Schadenberg also wanted to speak about their support for victims of violence and even shared personal stories. Acchione told council about how his mother left an abusive situation and raised him and his 4 siblings on her own. Schadenberg spoke about his wife being the victim of sexual assault in the workplace over 17 years ago.
Acting Mayor Connie Lauder thanked Jennifer Dunn for speaking at council.
"Keep up the good work and I certainly support you 100 percent in what you are doing and what the other organizations are doing, so thank you very much for speaking with us today."
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