Registration is now open for the 50km/100km routes
WOODSTOCK : Registration is open for this year's Medics for Mental Health bike ride.
Logistics Director Tanya Companion says there will be a 50km and a 100km route on August 26th.
"Everything is starting at the Woodstock Community Complex. It will be going from the Woodstock Community Complex to Burgessville and follow a loop back to the Community Complex; the start and finish line will be at the same location. In the 100km route; it's taking a little longer more scenic drive through Oxford County and it's going from Woodstock, Ingersoll, Tillsonburg and back up to Woodstock."
Companion says all of the proceeds raised will benefit the Wounded Warriors Peer Support and Family Assistance Fund.
"We're hoping to bring some more education to people about first responder suicides and first responder post traumatic stress disorders that they're going through."
If a rider registers and raises $100 in pledges, they will receive a free jersey! All ages are welcome to participate but all riders must wear a helmet.
You can find more information and register for the ride on the Medics for Mental Health website.
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