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  • 5195371047

Mental Health Concert in Ingersoll

The Fusion Youth Centre and Oxford Elgin Child and Youth Centre are hosting a special concert for mental health.

INGERSOLL - Oxford Elgin Child and Youth Centre and the Fusion Youth Centre are teaming up for a concert to help support mental health awareness in the community. 

Your Community Cares Concert is happening on May 5th at the Fusion Centre in Ingersoll from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Assistant Manager with Fusion Craig Boddy tells Heart FM the concert is free for youth in the community to attend.

"Well it just brings the community together and that is the starting point of it all - networking and finding out what services are out there for people who do suffer from mental illness." 

They do ask you to bring a non perishable food item. The concert will feature local youth singers and dancers and they do have a few more spots to fill out. 

If you're interested in performing you can call Andi at 519-539-0463 EXT: 263 or by email at awardzusiak@ocyc.on.ca. 

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