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More Information on New School in Thamesford

The school will accommodate 476 students and 88 new childcare spaces

THAMESFORD - News continues to come out regarding a new school in Thamesford.

Once complete it will hold 476 students from Kindergarten to Grade 4.  Thames Valley District School Board Trustee, David Cripps  "The rationale behind that was mainly around the new kindergarten spaces, so because of the growth we don't have funding to augment the existing school.  If we build the new school with the new kindergarten spaces, which I think is five or six classrooms, it allows us to move forward and make sure we are getting the best facility possible."

Cripps says there will also be 88 new childcare spaces attached to the school and will have larger amenities such as a gym and sports fields.

The collaborative effort between Zorra Township and TVDSB is in the works and Zorra Township Mayor, Marcus Ryan says childcare spaces in Zorra have gone from 0 to 176 once the new school is built.  "All the ones at the Zorra Municipal Centre were filled and on a waiting list months before it opened, there's a waiting list now.  I am quite confident if we are talking to Oxford County staff who work in that area the same thing will happen with the childcare spaces at the school, they will be filled and there will be a waiting list for that as well."

Ryan adds during the school day, teachers and students will use the facility like normal, and after school the community will be able to use the amenities like a community centre.

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