DORCHESTER - The Seventh Annual Multiple Myeloma Walk of Champions will be taking over Dorchester on this Sunday.
DORCHESTER - The Seventh Annual Multiple Myeloma Walk of Champions will be taking over Dorchester on this Sunday.
All of the funds raised from the walk will go towards clinical research trials for Myeloma patients treated at London Health Sciences Centre. Myeloma is a deadly blood cancer.
Since the walk started seven years ago they have raised over $270,000 for myeloma research. The LHSC treats cancer patients from across South Western Ontario including all of Oxford County.
Co-leader of the London and District Myeloma support group Ev McDowell says new research has been crucial to helping patients live longer with this incurable disease.
"Probably 10 to 15 years ago people would on average live 2 to 5 years after diagnosis, but now there is so many different treatment options available and people are living 10 to 15 years and there is a lot of hope right now."
You can sign up for a 5K or 2K walk that starts at the Dorchester Optimist Club with registration starting at 9 a.m. You can find out more about the Walk on the London and District Myeloma Support Group’s website www.myelomalondon.ca or on the ‘Walk of Champions for Multiple Myeloma Research’ Facebook Event page. To support a walker or register yourself or a team visit www.lhsf.ca/myeloma.
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