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John Tesh

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NDP Boo and Heckle When the Conservatives Tried to Acknowledge Kathleen Wynne today

"Who does that? I'll tell you who does that, a very nasty and unhappy person, that's who does it and it is very unfortunate that Ms. Horwath decided to act that way."

ONTARIO - Ontario Premier Doug Ford had some high praise for Kathleen Wynne today.

The Conservatives surprised a lot of people this morning in the legislature when they used a Friendly Conservative question so they could rise in the House and thank Kathleen Wynne.

Ford explains why they took the time to acknowledge the former Premier after it was learned she will not seek re-election as an MPP.

"Kathleen Wynne is a very nice person, she was never once nasty to me, people ask me how she is, she is a very kind person. Do we differ on our politics, sure, but that doesn't mean she is a bad person."

Ford says Wynne is one of a few people in this Province who understands what it is to walk a mile in his shoes.

"Some decisions, even the decision about Hallowe'en, you make one decision, there is 10 other reactions, you make another one and their is another 10, she understands that, she understands making decisions overnight and she understands that. She is a trailblazer, the first female Premier, which is incredible, the first gay Premier and I congratulate her, incredible again, so there a lot of things she is a trailblazer in."

Ford says Wynne did a great job and he wants to wish her all the best. While the Conservatives were paying tribute to Kathleen Wynne, the NDP were heckling. Ford says their actions were uncalled for and inappropriate.

"While I was acknowledging the former Premier, the NDP were heckling, shouting out and from what I understand, when Kathleen Wynne went to acknowledge and she kind of brushed her off, who does that? I'll tell you who does that, a very nasty and unhappy person, that's who does it and it is very unfortunate that Ms. Horwath decided to act that way. It's really disrespectful and I'll leave it up to her if she decides to do that again but it is uncalled for."

You can listen to the Premier's comments below: 

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