Caring for the Caregivers is a new support group offered by CMHA Woodstock.
WOODSTOCK - CMHA Oxford has a new support group for caregivers.
The group is designed for people who are dealing with a loved one, struggling with their mental health. Peer Support Leader Christine Smith says she started this group after a personal experience.
"I struggled with mental health issues and I watched my husband go through being the caregiver and he and I had a very frank discussion one time and I just feel like the caregivers are often overlooked. It's all about the mental health patient and the caregivers don't really have many options for support for themselves."
Caring for the Caregivers meets every other Thursday night at the CMHA office in Woodstock. Smith says it is a great program and they have already had a lot of positive feedback.
"I just think they need an outlet where they can talk with other people, learn new tools, coping strategies and things like that."
You can find more information about this program by calling Christine Smith at 519-539-8055 ext 262.
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