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New Skate Park Coming to Ingersoll

The Fusion Youth Centre Skate Park will be torn down so a new park can be built in its place.

INGERSOLL - Kids in Ingersoll will be getting a new Skate Park at the Fusion Youth Centre.

The old skate park has been deemed a safety risk and the centre was able to get $20,000 from the Town and $20,000 from the Ontario Trillium Foundation for repairs. Manager of the Youth Centre Andrea Brown says they had to ask the town for more money when they realized the old one was a complete write off.

"We investigated further and started taking apart the park and in order to do the renovations, we realized the park was not able to be repaired, so we went back to council to ask for an additional $30,000 from the reserves in order to be able to put in a new park."

Council granted their request and have now committed a total of $50,000 to the project. Brown explains what was wrong with the old park.

"We purchased some wooden ramps from the City of Woodstock back in 2007 and we sort of pieced together the park, when we took the top boards off, we realized the underneath wood was more rotten than we thought, we thought that there were sections that we could replace but when we opened it up, it was deemed to be a safety risk."

Brown adds they are still waiting for the old park to be demolished and our currently looking at new designs.

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