Woodstock's Community Employment Services is hosting a few seminars for the public. Among them is a career exploration workshop, which is set to begin in September.
WOODSTOCK - A career exploration workshop will be happening at the Community Employment Services in Woodstock next month.
The session is for people considering changing fields, or who may have worked in the same profession for a number of years and are looking to switch.
Employment and Career Consultant Lee Anne Root says people will have a chance to do the Myers-Briggs personality assessment.
"Something I always point out in the workshop is that just because you're good at something, if you don't like it then maybe you need to think about doing something else because we spend most of our lives working so why not find something really you enjoy doing, right?"
Root says the test provides people with a really great opportunity to learn what their strengths are, what are some of the weaknesses they may have and some of the challenges they may face in the workplace. She adds it is also an chance for them to link their personality to a type of job that would suit them really well.
She says the free workshop will be among the seminars that will be ongoing at CES, which will include an interview savvy workshop.
"Another we run is the networking and informational interviews workshop, so that's to help people look for work outside of just sitting at home behind a computer. It can get daunting, it can be discouraging. So learning how to market yourself effectively, getting out into the community, learning more about jobs or learning more about companies or organizations you're interested in working for."
Root adds they also help the service industry and she runs two certification programs.
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