Parents with students in the Thames Valley District School Board will not be getting a standard report card this year.
Parents with students in the Thames Valley District School Board will not be getting a standard report card this year.
The school board is sending a letter home on Friday that will assure parents your child's grades and placement to the next grade level will not be impacted by the work to rule action being taken by elementary teachers. Elementary teachers have been directed by their union to not complete final report cards this year containing the details of classroom assessment and evaluation. The letter to parents on Friday will contain information about the placement of students in September along with their attendance records. It will not contain specific information on your child's achievement.
“We know how important the report card is to parents and students,” Laura Elliott, Director or Education, said in her letter. “Marks, learning skills, and teacher comments represent a valuable summary of the work completed throughout the year.” Elliott is encouraging parents to contact their child's teacher directly to get specific information about their child's achievement and progress this school year.
Elliott also says in her letter “we know that our elementary teachers are caring and skilled professionals, and we expect that they have kept you well informed on the progress of your child throughout the year.”
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