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Norfolk Man Dies While Cutting Down Tree

A 55 year old Norfolk man died while on a job in Elgin County.

UPDATE: Police have released the name of the deceased as Steve McKibbon.  

ELGIN COUNTY/NORFOLK COUNTY - OPP responded to a tragic call yesterday morning after a tree fell on a worker in Eastern Elgin County and killed him.

The 55 year old Norfolk man was pronounced deceased on the scene, his name has not been released yet.  Police say the man was an employee of Timberland Forestry Management Inc. and was with two other workers at the time.  

The incident happened just past 10 a.m. south of Nova Scotia Line northeast of Port Bruce, off Pede Road.  Elgin OPP are reporting that the tree gave way and fell on the man while he was cutting it down.

The fatality is still under investigation by OPP and The Ministry of Labour. 

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