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Norwich Township Man Arrested in Break and Enter

Police have a 34 year old man in custody after a break and enter in Norwich Township.

NORWICH TOWNSHIP - Oxford OPP have arrested a 34 year old man after a break, enter and theft on New Road in Norwich Township. 

The house was broken into on Sunday during the middle of the day. Stolen was a number of electronics, tools, identification, gift cards and a wallet. The items are worth an estimated $2,000. 

On Wednesday police executed a search warrant at the home of Gordon Eric Dykstra on Cornell Road. After the search warrant Dykstra was arrested and charged:

- Break and Enter to a Dwelling House
- Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000
- Fail to Comply with Recognizance
An investigation into this case is ongoing. 

The OPP is asking residents to be vigilant in recognizing suspicious people or vehicles that are in your neighbourhoods. It is important for this information to get to police when the suspects may still be in the area.

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