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Not By Accident Conference

The possibility of decriminalizing cannabis will be the focus of the conference in London

LONDON - The 2015 Not By Accident conference will focus on the pros and cons of the possible decriminalization of cannabis.

Public Health Nurse with Oxford County Lorna Boratto is on the planning committee for the conference and tells Heart FM the whole purpose of the confernce is to generate a discussion.

"We are trying to present the pro's and con's and we are trying to balance it the best that we can, so that is our hope, not to lean or bias it in one direction or another but more for information. The purpose of this conference is not to take a position on the issue, but rather to encourage discussion."

Boratto says the conference is intended for anyone interested in injury prevention and is taking place in London on September 17th. It will feature guest speakers from the OPP, MTO, medical professionals, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and a report on the Colorado experience where cannabis is legalized.

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