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Official Flag Raising Ceremony in Woodstock for Terry Fox

Woodstock Mayor Trevor Birtch was on hand for an official flag raising ceremony to kick start the virtual Terry Fox run this year and commemorate Terry's visit to the Friendly City 40 years ago.

WOODSTOCK - It was 40 years ago that Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope arrived in the Friendly City. 

He attended a reception at the old Food Rite restaurant and actually spent the night before getting back on the road the next day.  For the past number of years the Terry Fox run has been held the second Sunday after Labour Day so this year the date for the virtual run is September 18th. One of the organizers of the event John Versaebel says the word run is a bit of a misnomer

"It can be whatever you want it to be, our posters for the last couple of years have been run, walk, ride. So you can run it, you can walk it, you can ride your bike, you can do whatever you feel comfortable doing."

He adds a lot of people love to do this event with their families and it is a great way to get out and get active, all while supporting a phenomenal cause.  

Versaebel says the organizers hope to be at the Farmers’ Market by the end of July. At the booth you will be able to pick up Terry Fox t-shirts, run pledge forms plus any other information that you may require. To honour the 40th anniversary a crowd gathered in museum square as Mayor Trevor Birtch raised the Terry Fox run flag to honour the occasion.

Yesterday they did an official flag raising ceremony to commemorate Terry Fox's visit to the Friendly City. Woodstock Mayor Trevor Birtch was on hand for the ceremony and said a few words as well.

You can find more information about how you can participate in the virtual run this year online here.  

(Article submitted by Brian Donlevy) 


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