Different events and attractions will be happening at the Annandale National Historic Museum in Tillsonburg throughout the summer events.
TILLSONBURG - The Annandale National Historic Museum in Tillsonburg is hosting some events this summer.
One of them is the Hello Dolly exhibit, which looks at the museum's doll collection.
Manager of Culture & Heritage and Curator Patricia Phelps says they will also hold a dolly and teddy bear picnic.
"We have 100 dolls from as early as 1870 right up to current ones. We follow the change in dolls that happened, and of course Barbie really influenced little girls and what they wanted to have as a doll to play with. So there is a large Barbie collection if you are crazy about Barbie."
The dolly and teddy bear picnic exhibit will be on August 10th, which will be the museum's first time hosting such an event. She says the exhibit will also feature china dolls.
The exhibit opened on May 26th and it runs until August 11th.
The Hello Dolly exhibit and yoga are just a few of the attractions happening this summer. Qualified yoga instructor Stacey Pembleton will lead the exercise, which will happen on the lawn every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Phelps says it's an activity that anyone can do, whether you have practiced yoga for awhile or you are trying it for the first time. It only costs $5.00.
She says these are attractions present an opportunity for families to have fun and get together.
"It's for everybody. All you need to do is pack that little picnic lunch, it doesn't have to be elaborate and you can come for the afternoon and enjoy all kinds of free activities with your children, and for children of all ages."
The picnic is free and it starts at 12:00 pm.
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