The United Way of Oxford County is offering up some unique Christmas gift ideas with their online auction.
WOODSTOCK - The United Way of Oxford is hosting their annual online auction right now.
They have a ton of amazing items available just in time for Christmas until Friday afternoon. Shelley LaChappelle from the United Way says the auction has something for everyone.
"We have some original art work, some beautiful quilts, we have a flight in a Harvard, we have tons of sporting tickets, we have some jewellery, girft certificates and so much more. We really do have something for everyone."
All of the money raised at the auction are invested back into our community.
"So the money raised is put towards are overall goal, this year our goal is $1.2 million dollars, that's what we hope to raise, so really it's just an investment in our community. Currently we fund 14 different programs, as well as various other iniatatives, so that is the type of investments we are going to be making with these resources."
You can check out the online auction here.
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