A GoFundMe page is looking to raise $9,000 to help struggling businesses in the Friendly City.
WOODSTOCK - A woman from Woodstock has started a new fundraiser to help support local businesses, struggling because of the lockdown.
Jen de Wit has started with a goal of raising $9,000 to help three local businesses to help them with the bare minimum of expenses. The money raised in this fundraiser will go to support Salon Sixty Spa, Radiant Health Yoga and Finkle Street Tap & Grill. However de Wit says it's her goal to help as many local businesses as possible.
"The goal is to raise way more than $3,000 and help as many struggling businesses in Woodstock as we can."
She has already gotten the ball rolling by donating $400 and is asking everyone to give as much or as little as you can afford.
"If everybody in Woodstock, we have 40,000 people, if everybody donated $1, that would be $40,000, that's a lot of money that can help a lot of businesses in our downtown. I know a lot of people who don't know how to help out the businesses that are in our downtown that are in lockdown, so this is a way that you can help out specific businesses and you can actually make a difference in our community."
de Wit says the past year has been really tough on everyone.
"The stories we read every day on the social media feeds, some of them are just really disheartening, so it would be really exciting if our community could come together under one umbrella, be united to actually do something to help these businesses and help the people that run them."
You can make a donation online here.
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