Briefs include a family dog who alerted his owners of a B&E in progress, a blind date that ended badly when medication was stolen and about $30,000 in damage was caused to a farm near Delhi after a bad case of mischief.
NORFOLK COUNTY - Man's best friend strikes again.
Norfolk OPP say the family dog alerted them to a break and enter in progress on Wednesday morning in Simcoe. The thief had gained access to the home while the family was sleeping. Luckily the dog started barking and alerted everyone to the intruder.
Police were called and arrested a 46 year old man from Norfolk County was arrested for Break and Enter and fail to comply with a probation order.
NORFOLK COUNTY - Norfolk OPP are investigating after medication was stolen during a blind date.
Police say the victim had met a person online through a dating web site. The two spent the day together and then returned to the victims home together. Once inside, the suspect stole a quantity of prescription medication and then immediately left the home.
The OPP would like to offer some safety tips when it comes to offline dating safety:
Get to know the other person before meeting them offline
Get to know someone before disclosing personal information or meeting in person.
Always meet in public
Meet for the first time in a populated, public location - never in a private or remote location, and never at your date's home or apartment.
Stay in a public place
Do not to go back to your date's home or bring them back to yours on the first date. If your date pressures you, end the date and leave at once.
Tell a friend
Inform a friend or family member of your plans and when and where you're going. If you own a mobile phone, make sure you have it with you.
Stay sober
Keep a clear mind and avoid doing anything that would impair your judgment and cause you to make a decision you could regret.
Drive yourself to and from the first meeting
Just in case things don't work out, you need to be in control of your own ride - even if you take a taxi.
Keep personal items with you at all times
You don't want to risk having personal information stolen. If you're drinking, keep your drink with you at all times so it can't be tampered with.
Long Distance Meetings
Long distance meetings pose special safety concerns to take into account. Keep these tips in mind.
DELHI - A farm near Delhi was the target of some expensive mischief last week.
Police say the farm was broken into over the weekend. The GPS from a tractor was thrown on the driveway and destroyed. A second tractor was entered and the GPS was removed. They also they managed to start a fork lift and the did a number of burnouts in the barn. Wires to fuel lines required to finish planting were also damaged along with a boat that was being stored inside the barn.
A pickup truck located on the property along with two Seadoos were also vandalized. The damage is estimated at approximately $30,000.
The OPP want to remind all residents that if they see anything suspicious to please contact the police immediately. If anyone is found committing acts of mischief, appropriate charges will be laid.
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