Gun owners in Oxford County can voluntarily surrender any unwanted or illegally owned firearm, weapons, accessories or ammunition with no questions asked in April.
The OPP is having a gun amnesty during the month of April for all Ontario residents.
Any gun owner in Oxford County can voluntarily surrender any unwanted or illegally owned firearm, weapons, accessories or ammunition with no questions asked. The amnesty is way to get illegal weapons off of our streets, which in turn will enhance public safety. During the amnesty, police will not recommend weapons-related Criminal Code charges that might otherwise apply to people who are turning in these items. The amnesty does not apply if the weapon was used during a crime. They will not accept any anonymous submissions.
Interested gun owners are strongly urged to call the OPP (or their local police service's) non-emergency number at 1-888-310-1122 to arrange for officers to attend and safely retrieve the weapons. Gun owners can also use the OPP website button www.opp.ca/gunamnesty or the Citizen Self Reporting tool to notify police.
OPP are adamant they do not want you to bring your guns or ammunition directly to a police station. You can also take part in the amnesty through Woodstock Police Service or the Stratford Police Service.
OPP Commissioner J.V.N. Hawkes explains why they holding this amnesty.
"Ontario has seen an increase in break-and-enter incidents where firearms are stolen or targeted by criminals. The OPP and our participating police partners are giving people a safe way to dispose of weapons, imitation weapons and related equipment, accessories and ammunition to reduce the number of guns in their communities."
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