The College Employer Council has put forward an offer, but it looks like OPSEU members are going to turn it down when they vote on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
OPSEU Members are getting ready to vote on an offer from the College Employer Council, but it looks like members of the union are planning on voting against the deal.
Darryl Bedford is the President of OPSEU Local 110, which represents the faculty at Fanshawe. He says the offer may look okay on the surface, but there are some concessions they simply can't ignore.
"The language that the employer wants would undo some of the progress that was made during negotiations."
Bedford says the offer contains language that would prevent the union from addressing part time teaching and undermines the intent of Bill 148; which plans to introduce equal pay for equal work.
If the union does decide to turn down the deal, Bedford says the council would be under a lot of pressure to negotiate a fair agreement.
"In Ontario we've never had a semester cancelled as a result of a work disruption and I don't think they would want to take that risk."
The vote will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Deb Matthews, the Minister of Advanced Education released a statement yesterday, ordering each college establish a fund for their students who may be facing financial troubles due to the work disruption. The fund would use the money the college has saved throughout the strike.
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