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John Tesh

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  • 519-537-1047

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OTF Funds Strategic Plan for AlzSWP

The Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners now has a strategic plan for 2024-2029.

OXFORD/ELGIN/MIDDLESEX - The Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners (AlzSWP) has received a funding boost from the province.

It recently received a $25,000 Resilient Communities Fund grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF).

Jessica Thomas, Chair of the AlzSWP Board of Directors, says they used the funding to develop a new strategic plan for 2024-2029, which will outline its priorities during that five-year period.

"Making strategic connections between the work AlzSWP does, who its current and future clients are, what their needs are, and the community partnerships necessary to be successful, was an essential part of the planning process. OTF’s support allowed us to take a unique approach that was fully encompassing where we were able to seek input from those currently using our services, but also reaching out to underserved segments of our community who are not yet accessing our programs and services."

The Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners supports people living with dementia and their care partners in Oxford, Elgin, and Middlesex.

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