A new policy might reduce the amount of money being spent repairing sports fields.
WOODSTOCK - A new policy has been implemented for playing fields within the city.
City Council approved the Outdoor Sports Field and Rain Closure Policy. Director of Parks and Recreation with Woodstock, Brian Connors, discusses the change. "We have a standard operating procedure for the Rain Field Closure Policy. We just brought it to council's attention; we wanted them to know about this and to make this into a city policy."
Connors explains the time limit that will also come into play. "When you're dealing with closing the fields due to poor weather timing is a factor on when you make that call. We decided on 3 o'clock to make that call for staff, but it is basically up to the umpire after 3 o'clock. It is staff before that. We went and talked to all the leagues and that was the time we thought was most appropriate." The main reason for the policy is so the fields do not become badly damaged, and therefore costly to repair.
Connors knows this will make a big difference. "This is now a new policy before that we were having a lot of field damage. We were spending the money that we would normally spend on improving the fields into repairing them. We now can put that money into improving."
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