The agreement will not have any impact on local dairy farmers until it is signed by the three countries.
OXFORD COUNTY - It remains a waiting game for dairy producers in Oxford County and right across the Country as we wait to see the full impacts of the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
Local MPP and the Minister of Agriculture Ernie Hardemnan met with the leaders of the supply management groups in Ontario yesterday.
"We will be having more meetings and we are working with them to make sure that the promises the Federal Government put out there when they agreed to the agreement was that they would make the investment into the industry to make them whole. We want to make sure that we know what is needed and that the Federal Government delivers on it."
Hardeman says they are still waiting to hear what the compensation will be for farmers because of the concessions made in the new agreement.
"The impact is going to be substantial but we do not actually have the Canadian agreement, it has not been posted yet. I have talked to the Federal Minister and he told me they are still working on how they are going to deal with the compensation package, so we are waiting for all that to come together."
The agreement has not been signed by the three countries and it is not going to have any impact until then. Hardeman says it remains a waiting game right now.
"They are still working on with their sector, what the impact will be and making sure their membership knows about it and get advice from the actual producers as to what they believe the investment coming forward from it should be distributed and making sure that we still have a vibrant supply managed food system."
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