The province's new stay-at-home orders will affect the Waste Management Facility in Salford, the Oxford County Administration building and all Oxford County Library branches.
OXFORD COUNTY - Provincial Stay at Home orders take effect today and that means some changes to the services provided by Oxford County.
Starting today, the Waste Management Facility in Salford will be closed to residential customers for 28 days, or longer if the Provincial order is extended. The facility will continue to be open for commercial customers serving essential businesses.
All Oxford County library branches will remain closed to the public, including Ingersoll and Tillsonburg. Information about curbside pickup services at all of the library branches in the County will be coming out soon.
Other Oxford County services have continued to take ongoing precautions for the duration of the pandemic:
- The Oxford County Administration Building and Oxford County Provincial Offences Administration remain closed to walk-in visits. Service is available by telephone or email or, if necessary, pre-booked appointment.
- All three Woodingford Lodge sites are closed to visitors other than designated essential caregivers.
- Bag tags remain available through online purchasing.
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