Local dignitaries met with head officials from Denmark to talk about initiatives happening within the county
Oxford County's sustainability initiatives has attracted the attention of yet another foreign dignitary.
Members of the Smart Energy Oxford Committee recently took a trip to Toronto and met with the Danish consulate who took an interest in Oxford County following the Outdoor Farm Show. Mayor Birtch tells us they even met with the Danish ambassador to discuss their work in sustainability. "And the ambassador had mentioned how there's several companies and the minister of trade that are very interested in having a presence here in North America. So when the counsul general let them know that the mayor Woodstock and several others from the Smart Energy Oxford Committee were coming down to the consulate, the ambassdor came as well."
The ambassador gave the team trade passes to an Environmental Conference going on the next day to show their appreciation. "And that had delegations from all over Canada and various industries and lobby groups and it was a really good time to network and again highlight all the potential that Woodstock and Oxford County have," says Birtch.
Although there has been some concern about how much this trip would cost, Mayor Birtch assures us they were very thrifty and took steps to keep their travel green as well. "For example, on our trip down to Toronto I was riding with Murray Logan of Faramore, so we carpooled. And a great way to show sustainability to the environment, it was actually in a compressed natural gas vehicle." They also took public transit once they arrived in Toronto and Mayor Birtch stayed with a well respected environmental studies professor.
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