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Oxford Junior Farmers Turn 100

500 expected to attend OCJF 100th anniversary celebration at the Oxford Auditorium.

OXFORD COUNTY - The Oxford County Junior Farmers are preparing to celebration their 100th Anniversary this weekend. 

Chair of the Anniversary Committee Jack Danen says for him personally, the group has helped him grow his communication skills and have the confidence to speak in front of groups.

"I'm quite proud of what the Junior Farmer organization has done for a lot of people. It has been a great organization for young people. It goes from the ages of 15-30. It really allows people to develop and find their place in the community and meet some other people of a similar age."

"If you look back over the years, it has actually been kind of fun to go back  through the memorabilia, the past history books and stuff like that and see actually all of the stuff people have done over the years. It's quite amazing. The Junior Farmers have really had such an effect on a number of people and many of those people have gone on to different things within other organizations."

"Although it's called Junior Farmers, it's not necessarily all farm related. It's a youth self-run organization so the members are actually the ones running it. There is no higher body that looks after it. They kind of run it as they wish. It really helps gain some skills on how to run effective meetings, how to organize events."

They will be celebrating their 100th anniversary this evening at the Oxford Auditorium with more than 500 confirmed to attend. 

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