Young people from Oxford Junior Farmers and the Oxford Community 4-H Club team up to do a good deed in the community.
WOODSTOCK - Roth Park in Woodstock is ready for the summer season thanks to the clean up efforts of the Oxford Junior Farmers and the Oxford Community 4-H club.
Shonna Ward, leader of the Oxford Community 4-H Club says, "It is great to have youth involved in their community, and working with the volunteer organizations they are a part of to better their county."
This sentiment is echoed by Virginia Dibble, organizer of the Roth Park Cleanup. "This event is a great way to demonstrate Oxford Junior Farmers' commitment to community betterment. Between Junior Farmers and 4-H members, we had fifteen youth and two leaders participating. It is great to see so many young people involved in making Oxford County beautiful. Having so many volunteers makes the task much easier. We were able to cover the park in just over two hours, which couldn't have been done without the help from the Oxford Community 4-H Club."
She adds the park looks much better after the cleanup.
Dibble says they team up with 4-H every year to clean up the park after the winter.
The most common items found are coffee cups and doggy bags. Dibble says the most unusual item they cleaned up this year was a toboggan which they actually used to bring bags of garbage from the trials to the disposal area.
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