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Oxford Leaders Weigh in on Toronto's Trash Problems

Oxford County is hoping that Toronto will follow suit in their zero waste commitment.

OXFORD COUNTY -  Oxford County's Warden visited Toronto to talk trash with the city's committee for waste management.

Ingersoll Mayor, Ted Comiskey joined him to give their input regarding Toronto's strategy thus far. The Warden, David Mayberry says they believe Toronto could be moving in a better direction.

"We wanted to make some comments on it. We are kind of concerned the way it is going. Really, the lack of direction and a big vision where they should be going as a city."

Mayberry says the city likes to claim they are at a 50% diversion, but that deals with just the residential waste. Only 40% of the waste is from residential areas and the other 60% is from industrial, commercial and institutional sector.

Comisky states those industries contract their waste out to private companies and do not have control over where it is goes. Comisky says even some residential areas are contracted out. Comisky says Toronto's decisions about where to put their waste will have a negative effect on Oxford County.

"The idea was, I wanted to bring to their attention that are they aware that their waste will be heading in our direction. It is something that John Tory and the rest of council aren't really concentrating on. They are concentrating on all waste that it is picked up by the city of Toronto.

The private companies look to the least costly direction to deposit the waste.

The Warden shares the same thought and thinks it would beneficial for the two cities to work together.

"We wanted to encourage them to follow Oxford County's footsteps of going towards zero waste. To encourage and invite them into collaborative discussion on how together, what is one of the largest and one of the smallest municipalities in the province, how we can work together to achieve zero waste."

Oxford County hopes to have this commitment achieved by 2025. Mayberry suggests the large city should be a leader in a waste initiative.

"Then you sort of say if Toronto would do it, it would be easy for us to do it here in Oxford because there would be a big enough market and demand for whatever product were needed. If Toronto doesn't do anything than a small municipality like Oxford County would have to struggle a lot harder."

Their opinion was met with little acknowledgement. Mayberry says he believes this is because the city doesn't think they should have to be responsible for anything other than their residential waste. The Warden states every city should be bound to disposing of their own garbage.

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