Oxford County Library offers a wide range of programs for different learning styles throughout the summer.
School may be out, but learning never stops at Oxford County Libraries.
Systems Support Librarian Sarah McDonald says kids who remain engaged in literacy activities tend to have a jump on their peers when they return to the classroom.
"We're trying to encourage kids to keep reading all summer long, to stay engaged with reading, and to participate in a number of programs throughout the summer that we're hoping really stimulate different types of learning styles. So we have creative writing clubs, book clubs for kids, story times, maker spaces, craft programs, all that kind of stuff."
McDonald says they have far more to offer than just books.
"Children and their families can now come into the Libraries and borrow trivia games, card sets, we have BrainQuest. They can learn about the history of Canada. We also have some beginning English card sets. So these can be borrowed from the library, just like a book for three weeks at a time."
If you have a child who is anxious about going back to school, or maybe just needs a refresher of last year they also have the Ontario Exam Bank with practice tests for kids from Kindergarten all the way up to Grade 12.
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