Pedestrians and motorists are being reminded to be cautious around intersections.
Constable Stacey Culbert, Community Safety and Media Relations with Oxford OPP tells Heart FM when collisions with pedestrians are more likely to occur.
"Generally speaking we probably have more collisions on hot summer days. So when the sun is shinning and you think the roads are clear and everything is fine. That is when we are seeing people that are not paying better attention. We do see an increase of probably 3 or 4 more collisions a week because of that.”
Motorists are reminded when coming up onto a cross walk to reduce speed and be cautious of pedestrians and cyclists.
"We want be safe and be seen. So don't assume motorists can see you. Be sure you are wearing colours that are visible especially at night. Reflectors and adequate lighting is always a must with a cyclist but the same rules apply for a pedestrian."
When crossing the street on either a bike or walking refrain from wearing headphones as it keeps you from being able to hear the oncoming traffic.