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Oxford OPP Hosting Youth Police Academy

Photo Credit: Ontario Provincial Police - West Region Facebook page

Youth in Oxford County can learn about policing. The Oxford OPP is hosting a Citizen Academy and applications can be submitted now.

OXFORD COUNTY - The Youth Citizen Academy is back in Oxford County.

Oxford OPP is looking for kids between the ages of 16 and 18 who are mature, motivated and community-minded to join the 6-week program, which will represent the County's diverse communities.

The chosen youth will learn about policing and hear presentations from the specialty units within the Oxford Detachment including; Crime, K9 Services, Emergency Response Team (ERT), Tactics and Rescue Unit (TRU), In-Service Training, Recruiting, Civilian roles and many others.

This program is interactive and information-sharing and has a night school feeling. Once the participants are done with the Academy, they will better understand the many different ways the OPP supports public safety in both the community and the province.

The Academy will take place in Tillsonburg starting Wednesday, April 17th and finishes on Wednesday, May 29th. The classes are from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Applications can be picked up at the Oxford OPP Detachments, in Ingersoll at 110 Mutual Street, or in Tillsonburg at 90 Concession Street East.

Interested youth have until Friday, March 15th to get their applications submitted, and a security check must be passed by participants before selection.

They must have a valid piece of photo ID, which should be attached to the application.

For further information regarding the program please contact Constable Randi Crawford at Oxford OPP by calling 519-688-6540.

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