On Air Now

John Tesh

7:00pm - 1:00am

  • 519-537-1047

Oxford OPP Target Impaired Driving

Expect to see plenty of roaming R.I.D.E checks in Oxford County this summer.

Oxford OPP will aggressively targeting impaired drivers this summer.

Constable Lisa Narancsik tells Heart FM you can expect to see lot's of roaming R.I.D.E checks in the County this summer. " We kind of set up wherever we feel may be a good area, so it could be on the back roads, it could all of sudden you come over a hill and it could be down in a gully doing a ride program as well, there's no rhyme or reason as to where we do it, we just do it in hopes to catch anybody or not catch anyone driving impaired."

Driving impaired is one of the leading causes of fatal collisions on our roadways and just yesterday 45-year-old Leonard Westgate, from Adelaide Metcalfe, was killed by a man who police say was driving impaired down the road near Strathroy.

Narancsik points out if you get caught driving impaired it comes with serious consequences. In most cases your license is suspended for a year and you have to doll out a hefty fine. If you are impaired and involved in a fatal collision then you will likely have to spend some time behind bars. She encourages fellow motorists to call police if you suspect a drunk driver in your travels. You can help police by letting them know the make and model of the car, the direction they are heading and if possible their license plate number.

Narancsik did say one positive from last week is the OPP did not discover any impaired drivers on the road during their week long aggressive driving campaign which is always a positive sign. Oxford OPP and Woodstock Police will be teaming up later this summer for a big impaired driving campaign.

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