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Oxford Representation at Privatized Healthcare Protest

The Oxford Coalition for Social Justice attended a rally against privatized healthcare on May 30th (Submitted Photo)

At least 15 members of the Oxford Coalition for Social Justice will be attending the protest at Queen's Park.

OXFORD/TORONTO - A protest is set to get underway today around privatized healthcare.

The Oxford Coalition for Social Justice is making its way to Toronto, along with others across Southwestern Ontario. 

Chair Bryan Smith says privatization is not what the province needs.

"They are currently paying those private health facilities somewhere between two and three times what they would pay a public hospital to do exactly the same procedure. So in terms of financial things, they are in the process of bankrupting whole the health budget."

He adds private healthcare was banned in the province up until recently

"Health care privatization is something that is relatively new in Canada. Under the Canada Health Act, there was a law that banned private health facilities, but that was overturned recently by the current government."

Smith knows of someone who was recently charged $7,000 for cataract eye surgery, something that is supposed to be free in Canada.

"There are people telling us that they are spending money they don't have on health care. But in Canada, it's guaranteed under the Canada Health Act that everyone gets care."

The Oxford Coalition for Social Justice conducted a citizen-led vote regarding privatized healthcare in May of 2023. A total of 4,425 ballots were received and 98.6 percent of them were against it.

At least 15 members of the coalition will be boarding a bus at the commuter parking lot on Highway 19, close to Highway 104, at 9:20 a.m. today. The bus will take them to Toronto City Hall, where they will walk to Queen's Park for the rally which starts at noon and should wrap up by 2:00 p.m.. Smith hopes the bus will return everyone to Oxford County before the evening rush hour hits.

For those who are unable to attend the protest but still want to help the cause, Smith says you can reach out through the Oxford Coalition for Social Justice Facebook page so you can sign their petition against it. He also recommends reaching out to your MPP to say you're against it.

(Submitted photo)

(Submitted photo)

(Submitted photo)

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