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Oxford Rural Communities Issue Open Air Burn Ban

An open air burn ban is now in effect for rural communities in Oxford due to the very dry conditions.

A county wide fire ban has been issued for rural communities in Oxford.

CAO for the Township of Zorra Don MacLeod says Blandford-Blenheim, East Zorra-Tavistock, Norwich, South-West Oxford, and Zorra Townships are under the ban.

"The fire chiefs from the county have coordinated this from the 5 rural municipalities and it is county wide except for the urban areas."

The Woodstock Fire Department has not issued a ban for the Friendly City.

MacLeod says this will not impact fireworks in the county at this time, but all open air fires - except those for cooking in supervised campsites - are banned until further notice.

"It's been just so dry and we're not seeing any rain forecast outside of a little bit tomorrow, so the chiefs felt it was appropriate to implement this burn ban."

The ban will be lifted when conditions improve.

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