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PDHU Issues Heat Warning

The Perth District Health Unit wants everyone to stay cool over the weekend with a heat warning in effect.

PERTH COUNTY - The Perth District Health Unit has issued a heat warning.

Heat warnings are issued whenever Environment Canada forecasts highs of 31 and lows of 20 or forecast calling for a humidex of 40 or higher for two consecutive days. Extended heat warnings are issued under the same circumstances but for three or more consecutive days.  

Public Health Nurse, Debbie Matheson says we're in for a hot weekend.

"For the next couple of days it sounds like it's going to be hot and higher humidex levels than usual. You just want to make sure that you're keeping cool."

During these heat warnings be sure to do the following:

- Drink plenty of cool liquids, especially water.
- Reschedule or plan outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day.
- Wear loose fitting, light-coloured clothing made of breathable fabrics.
- Never leave people or pets inside a parked vehicle or in direct sunlight.
- Take a break from the heat by spending a few hours in a cool place.
- Take cool showers or baths until you feel refreshed.
- Prepare meals that don't need to be cooked in your oven.
- Block sun out by closing curtains or blinds during the day.
- Avoid sun exposure.

Hot weather can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and even death. 

Matheson says symptoms of heat stroke include headaches, dizziness, confusion and fainting.

"That's a serious emergency situation and if you were with someone that was showing those symptoms you would want to get them into a cool place and call 911."

Seniors, infants, young children, people with chronic illness or who take certain medications are at a greater risk of suffering from heat related illness.


Update (5:10 p.m.) - Southwestern Public Health has also issued a heat warning for Oxford, Elgin and St Thomas.

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