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Pre-Trip Truck Inspection

PC Constable Henk Ruitenbeek says if you compare a truck to a car, a truck is like a missile and it can cause a lot of damage on our highways. 

INGERSOLL - Oxford OPP and the Town of Ingersoll have teamed up for a safety message about Truck pre-trip checks. 

Public Works Manager Doug Wituik explains some of things you should be doing before heading out. 

"Checking for lug nut tightness and torque, tire condition, tread depths, simple things like visual components, hydraulic leaks, radiator leaks." 

PC Henk Ruitenbeek of the OPP's Highway Safety Division says another thing truckers should be checking before they head out is their lights, headlights signal lights and of course make sure to check your air brakes.

"Make sure you check your truck and that the air brakes work, there is enough trucks driving out there with improper brakes and it is very big issue, very dangerous and it can cause major collisions or fatalities." 

Wituik talks about another crucial safety issue.

"It is quite important to have your wheel installer certification, if you are taking wheels on or off, make sure you have your certification so you can install them correctly, so you don't have any catastrophic wheel offs, that can take people's lives on the highway." 

Ruitenbeek says if you compare a truck to a car, a truck is like missile and it can cause a lot of damage on our highways. 

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