The Fusion Youth Centre is bringing back their Haunted House for another year to raise money for the centre.
INGERSOLL - For the 10th year in a row the Fusion Centre in Ingersoll is getting you ready for Halloween.
They are bringing back a classic event with some new additions to the evening. Program Coordinator for the Youth Centre, Craig Boddy, explains what the theme for this year's event will be since they are celebrating a major milestone. "This coming Friday we will be hosting our 10th Annual Haunted House and Family Fun Zone. The theme is we are creating past rooms from our previous 9 haunted houses."
The Fusion Youth Centre is going to do their best to make you scream and Boddy knows there is going to be more for the family than just the scary haunted house. "You can expect a brand new feature - we have this year is a Scare Cam so there is going to be camera in the haunted house. We have lots of family activities because the haunted house is very scary, for example we have free pumpkin carving, treat bags, crafts, creepy crawly type rooms where kids can put their hands in gross objects and figure out what they are."
Boddy is hopeful this will attract a big crowd as the proceeds go to a great cause. "It just goes back into our programs, all of the money that we do fundraise goes directly back into the youth centre, and to help pay for programs, and supplies. The goal is to make a family orientated fun night out for families."
Everything kicks off on Friday at 5:30pm and runs until Sunday just in time for Halloween.
13 year olds or older - $6
6-12 - $4
3-5 - $2
Children under 2 - free.
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